NPTEL Introduction To Industry 4.0 And Industrial Internet Of Things Assignment Answers

NPTEL Introduction To Industry 4.0 And Industrial Internet Of Things Assignment Answers

1. Which of the following temperature sensors generates an analog voltage proportional to the temperature? a. DS1621b. DHT11c. DS18B20d. LM 35 Answer :- d 2. What are the key components of an loT Sensing Device? a. Sensor, Processor, Wireless Communication Module, Power Management Unitb. Battery, Processor, Universal Serial Bus, Visual Display Unitc. Sensor, Compiler, Interpreter, … Read more

NPTEL An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Assignment Answers

An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

1. Consider the given joint distribution Calculate the value of P(cavity | ¬ toothache) + P(cavity | catch). Round the answer up to 2 decimal places. (e.g., if the answer is 0.1372, return 0.14) Answer :- 0.63 2. There are 1000 coins — 999 are fair, and 1 has heads on both sides. You randomly … Read more

NPTEL Compiler Design Assignment Answers

NPTEL Compiler Design Assignment Answers

1. Choose correct option. (A) Left-to-right scanning and constructing a Rightmost Derivation in Reverse(B) Left-to-right scanning and constructing a Rightmost Derivation(C) Left to right reduction(D) None of the other options Answer :- a 2. SLR parser is LR(k) parser with k equals to: (A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) None of the other options Answer :- d … Read more

NPTEL Stress Management Assignment Answer

NPTEL Stress Management Assignment Answer

1. Stages of Selye’s GAS a. Stage of resistance> Stage of exhaustion> Alarm reactionb. Stage of exhaustion> Alarm reaction> Stage of resistancec. Alarm reaction> Stage of resistance> Stage of exhaustiond. Stage of resistance> Alarm reaction> Stage of exhaustion Answer :- c. Alarm reaction> Stage of resistance> Stage of exhaustion 2. Stress can be influenced by: … Read more

NPTEL Ethical Hacking Assignment Answers

NPTEL Ethical Hacking Assignment Answers

1. Which of the following points) is/are true for an ethical hacker? a. An ethical hacker intends to gain unauthorized access to a resource for financial gain or personal recognition.b. An ethical hacker defaces websites or crash backend servers for fun, reputation damage or to cause financial loss.C. An ethical hacker is not concerned with … Read more

NPTEL Entrepreneurship Essentials Assignment Answers

NPTEL Entrepreneurship Essentials Assignment Answers

1. Each of the following statements may define the ‘business model canvas’. Which of the following provides the best meaningful definition of the business model canvas? a. The business model canvas contains the vision and value statement on a canvas containing 9 building blocks.b. Business model canvas explains the value proposition, pricing power, entry barrier, … Read more