NPTEL Introduction To Industry 4.0 And Industrial Internet Of Things Assignment Answers

1. Which of the following temperature sensors generates an analog voltage proportional to the temperature?

a. DS1621
b. DHT11
c. DS18B20
d. LM 35

Answer :- d

2. What are the key components of an loT Sensing Device?

a. Sensor, Processor, Wireless Communication Module, Power Management Unit
b. Battery, Processor, Universal Serial Bus, Visual Display Unit
c. Sensor, Compiler, Interpreter, Energy Harvester
d. None of the above

Answer :- a

3. What kind of sensor is ADXL335?

a. Accelerometer
b. Gyroscope
c. Magnetometer
d. Proximity sensor

Answer :- a

4. “MOS gas sensor depend on the thermal energy for its operation which is supplied with a heater.” State True or False.

a. True
b. False

Answer :- a

5. Which of the following is not a probable application of Gas Sensors?

a. Air quality monitoring
b. Leakage Detection of Toxic gases
c. Alcohol Breath Test
d. Motion Tracking

Answer :- d

6. What is meant by the Sensitivity of a Gas Sensor?

a. Change in the output signal for a unit change in gas concentration
b. Ability to detect a particular gas in a mixture of different gases
c. Ability to provide consistent output over a long period of time
d. The time taken by the sensor to stabilize its response

Answer :- a

7. The ModBus-TCP protocol defines two units in the data frame. One of them is Protocol Data Unit. What is the other one?

a. Analogous Data Unit
b. Advanced Data Unit
c. Application Data Unit
d. Architectural Data Unit

Answer :- c

8. With respect to sensors, a camera which can simultaneously sense the ambient temperature as well as capture live video recordings is a type of_________ sensor.

a. Scalar
b. Multimedia
c. Hybrid
d. All of the above

Answer :- c

9. EtherNet/IP defines two primary types of communications. What are those?

a. Explicit and Implicit
b. Internal and External
c. Inbound and Outbound
d. Telemetric and Geometric

Answer :- a

10. Which of the following statements is incorrect about Profinet?

a. Profinet is the standard for industrial Ethernet
b. Profinet is based upon Ethernet/IP
c. Profinet can not be used for process control or process measurement
d. Profinet uses NRT, RT and IRT communication channels

Answer :- c

11. Modbus-RTU is a serial protocol that follows the__________architecture.

a. Producer/Consumer
b. Master/Slave
c. Scalar/Vector
d. None of the above

Answer :- b

12. Which of the following network topologies is used by Profibus?

a. Ring Topology
b. Bus Topology
c. Mesh Topology
d. Star Topology

Answer :- b

13. In the context of DeviceNet, CAN is the acronym for

a. Cognitive Adaptable Network
b. Campus Area Network
c. Controller Area Network
d. Captive Area Network

Answer :- c

14. How shorter TTL is achieved in uRLLC?

a. By using smaller slot length
b. By reducing Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing symbols in TTL
c. Reducing symbol duration
d. All of the above

Answer :- d

15. What is the frequency spectrum of mmWave Communication?

a. 30 – 300 MHZ
b. 550 – 1720 KHz
C. 88 – 108 MHz
d. 30 – 300 GHz

Answer :- d

16. Which of the following stands for LP in LPWAN?

a. Large Power
b. Light Power
c. Low Power
d. Long Range

Answer :- c

17. “We need to pay a license fee to use LoRa in the 868 MHz radio frequency band in Europe.” State True or False.

a. True
b. False

Answer :- b

18. Which of the following is true about the SIGFOX network in terms of messages and payload’

a. Up to 50 messages per day with a payload of 8 bytes per message
b. Up to 75 messages per day with a payload of 10 bytes per message
c. Up to 140 messages per day with a payload of 12 bytes per message
d. Up to 200 messages per day with a payload of 15 bytes per message

Answer :- c

19. Which library (header file) is used for interfacing the DHT22 sensor as demonstrated in the Hands On Industrial Environment Monitoring project?

a. DHT.h
b. DHT22.h
c. DHT11.h
d. Adafruit_DHT.h

Answer :- a

20. Which of the following topologies are supported by Zigbee?

a. Point-to-Point and Star
b. Bus and Ring
c. Tree, and Mesh
d. Ring and Mesh

Answer :- c

21. The physical and MAC layers of the Zigbee communication protocol is based on ____________Fill in the blanks.

a. IEEE 802.11
b. IEEE 802.15.4
C. IEEE 802.3
d. IEEE 802.16

Answer :- b

22. “Xbee is a mesh communication protocol based on the IEEE 802.15.4 whereas Zigbee is the product that uses the Xbee communication protocol for radio communication.” State true or

a. True
b. False

Answer :- b

23. Which of the following functions is performed by the coordinator node in a Zigbee network?

a. Data relay
b. End device connector
c. Acts as the root of the network and bridge between different networks
d. Control plane

Answer :- c

24. Which of the following is/are the data characteristics of IIoT processing?

a. Polymorphism
b. Temporal relationships in data
c. Correlation in space, time, and other dimensions
d. All of the above

Answer :- d

25. Which of the following is false about the rule-based engine?

a. Extract causal and temporal patterns using predefined rules
b. Handles multiple data streams and correlates them to provide meaningful output
c. Cannot process data in near real-time
d. Performs decision-making processes based on predefined rules

Answer :- c

26. Which of the following represents the limitation of current CEP systems?

a. Manual threshold specification
b. Run-time update of threshold not possible
c. Not context-aware
d. All of the above

Answer :- d

27. Which of the following options is false about the services rendered by the Smart Water Management System?

a. Entirely non-replicable services
b. Fully customizable services
C. Application-specific services
d. Entirely replicable services

Answer :- a

28. “iRobot-Factory is a cognitive manufacturing factory which applies cognitive intelligence and edge computing for improved manufacturing.” State true or false.

a. True
b. False

Answer :- a

29. Which of the following is false about the design of the SmartSantander?

a. Heterogeneity
b. Reliability
c. Mobility
d. Unrealistic experimentation

Answer :- d

30. Which of the following represents a type of Industrial Control System?

a. Programmable Logic Compiler
b. Decentralized Control Suite
c. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
d. Distributed Compiled System

Answer :- c

31. Which of the following does not characterize big data analytics?

a. Volume
b. Velocity
c. Vector
d. Variability

Answer :- c

32. Which of the following algorithms is useful when it is feasible to acquire training data for the different states (or classes) that need to be modeled?

a. Unsupervised learning algorithm
b. Supervised learning algorithm
c. Reinforcement learning algorithm
d. None of the above

Answer :- b

33. “Which of the following is false about the deep learning models?

a. Learns features automatically without manually specifying them
b. Does not use neural networks
c. Raw data from sensors can be directly fed into the model
d. Generally require a large amount of computation power

Answer :- b

34. Which of the following software may be used for batch-oriented analytics?

a. Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark
b. Eclipse
C. Sublime
d. None of the above

Answer :- a

35. Which of the following is an example of a classification algorithm?

a. Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise
b. Support Vector Machine
c. K-Means
d. Bayes Regression

Answer :- b

36. In_______________ data points may belong to more than one cluster. Fill in the blanks.

a. Hard Clustering
b. Soft Clustering
c. Hard Classification
d. Soft Classification

Answer :- b

37. Which of the following supervised learning algorithms may be used when the output variable is a real number instead of a categorical value?

a. Regression
b. Classification
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)

Answer :- a

38. Which of the following statements about the reinforcement learning algorithm is false?

a. There is no external supervisor to guide the agent
b. Builds a knowledge graph from the constant feedback of the corresponding actions
c. There is no reward function
d. There is a mapping between input and output

Answer :- c

39. “Machine learning is a subset of deep learning that can learn automatically by finding the features of the object on its own.” State true or false.

a. True
b. False

Answer :- b

40. Why is cloud computing necessary for lloT?

a. High computational speed for data monitoring and analytics
b. Scalable and secure services
c. Effective data acquisition
d. All of the above

Answer :- d

41. Which of the following is not true about Platform-as-a-service for IloT?

a. Allows industries to self-develop applications
b. Clients have control over the application and the configuration environment
c. The service provider manages everything
d. Software firms like Cumulocity, Bosch loT, and Carriots offer PaaS for loT industries

Answer :- c

42. Who among the following does not provide Industrial Cloud Platform?

a. C3 loT
b. Uptake
c. Netbeans
d. GE Predix

Answer :- c

43. Which of the following is/are the advantage(s) of using a Cloud simulator before real deployment?

a. Pre-deployment test before real implementation
b. System testing at no cost
c. Repeatable evaluation of the system
d. All of the above

Answer :- d

44. Which of the following does not represent the objective of Industry 4.0?

a. Rigid solutions
b. Expanded security
c. Better performance
d. Higher production

Answer :- a

45. ”K-medoid is a clustering algorithm that is used to maximize the distance between some randomly selected points in a cluster.” State true or false.

a. True
b. False

Answer :- b