NPTEL Project Management For Managers Assignment Answer

1. Which of the following is not a project management goal?

  1. Keeping overall costs within budget
  2. Delivering the software to the customer at the agreed time
  3. Maintaining a happy and well-functioning development team
  4. Avoiding customer complaints
Answer :- Maintaining a happy and well-functioning development team 

Maintaining a happy and well-functioning development team is not typically considered a primary project management goal. While it’s important to have a motivated and productive team, project management goals usually revolve around achieving specific outcomes related to scope, time, and cost. The other options—keeping costs within budget, delivering software on time, and avoiding customer complaints—are more aligned with traditional project management objectives. However, it’s worth noting that team satisfaction and well-being can indirectly contribute to the success of a project by improving productivity and reducing turnover.

2. Which of the following does not constitute the role of a project manager?

  1. Integrator and coordinator
  2. Business case approval
  3. Project delivery
  4. Project planning and controlling
Answer :- Business case

Business case approval does not typically constitute the role of a project manager. While project managers are involved in various aspects of planning, executing, and controlling a project, the approval of the business case often falls under the responsibility of higher-level stakeholders, such as senior management, executives, or sponsors. The business case is usually developed to justify the project’s feasibility and align with the organization’s strategic goals before the project manager becomes actively involved in its execution. The other options—integrator and coordinator, project delivery, and project planning and controlling—are all core responsibilities of a project manager.

3. Effective communication is one of the most important skills required by

  1. The project team
  2. The management
  3. The project Manager
  4. The project Contractor
Answer :- The project Manager

4. Which of the following is not an objective of a project?

  1. Scope
  2. Time
  3. Cost
  4. Accurate
Answer :- Accurate

“Accurate” is not typically considered an objective of a project in the same way that scope, time, and cost are. The objectives of a project, often referred to as the “triple constraint” or the “iron triangle,” are traditionally defined as scope, time (schedule), and cost (budget). These three factors represent the key dimensions that need to be managed and balanced throughout the project’s lifecycle. “Accurate” seems to be more of a quality or characteristic that you might want in the execution of the project but isn’t commonly categorized as a primary project objective like the others mentioned.

5. What does ‘R’ represent in a SMART project?

  1. Risk
  2. Relevant
  3. Realistic
  4. Resource
Answer :- RelevantRelevant: 

In the SMART criteria, “R” often stands for “Relevant” or “Relevance.” This refers to ensuring that the project objective or goal is meaningful and aligned with the broader goals of the organization. The objective should contribute to the overall mission and strategy.

6. What does term ‘KSTT’ stands for with respect to project management?

  1. Knowledge, Skills, Tools and Technology
  2. Knowledge, Skills, Techniques and Technology
  3. Knowledge, Skills, Tools and Techniques
  4. Knowledge, Skills, Tools and Time
Answer :- Knowledge, Skills, Tools and Techniques

The term ‘KSTT‘ stands for Knowledge, Skills, Tools, and Techniques in the context of project management. This acronym represents the various elements and resources that project managers and teams need to effectively plan, execute, and control projects. It encompasses the knowledge and expertise required, the practical skills necessary, the tools and technology utilized, and the techniques employed to successfully manage and complete projects.

7. Which of the following is not a Project Management Maturity Model?

  1. SEI’s (Software Engineering Institute)
  2. Center for Business Practices
  3. ETI (Education Technical Institute)
  4. Kerzner’s model
Answer :- ETI (Education Technical Institute)ETI (Education Technical Institute) is not a commonly recognized Project Management Maturity Model.

8. What does ‘PMMM’ stands for?

  1. Project Management Measurement Model
  2. Project Management Maturity Model
  3. Project Management Mixed Model
  4. Project Management Mass Model
Answer :- Project Management Maturity Model. PMMM stands for Project Management Maturity Model. This refers to a framework or model that organizations use to assess and improve their project management practices and capabilities over time. It helps organizations understand their current level of project management maturity and provides a structured path for enhancing their project management processes, skills, and overall performance. Different PMMMs exist, such as those developed by various organizations or experts in the field.

9. _______ is an organizational unit to centralize structure with specific mandated that can include an enterprise-wide perspective?

  1. Project Management
  2. Project Management Office
  3. Functional department
  4. None of the above
Answer :- Project Management Office (PMO)Project Management Office (PMO) is an organizational unit that centralizes project-related structures and activities with a specific mandate that can include an enterprise-wide perspective. PMOs are responsible for defining and maintaining project management standards, processes, methodologies, and practices within an organization. They provide support, oversight, and governance for projects and programs, ensuring that they align with organizational goals and strategies.

10. What are the determinants of project success as per Iron Triangle?

  1. Resources, Cost, Performance
  2. Knowledge, Time, Resources
  3. Cost, Skills, Performance
  4. Cost, Performance, Time
Answer :- The determinants of project success as per the Iron Triangle, also known as the Triple Constraint, are Cost, Performance, and Time. These three factors are interrelated and form the core dimensions that project managers must manage and balance throughout the lifecycle of a project. This is often represented as: Cost: The budget or financial resources allocated to the project. Performance: The quality and scope of the project deliverables, meeting the specified requirements. Time: The schedule or timeline for completing the project.

11. Which of the following is not a classification of Brownfield projects?

  1. Expansion
  2. Diversification
  3. Modernization
  4. Vertical Integration
Answer :- Vertical IntegrationVertical Integration is not typically a classification of Brownfield projects. Brownfield projects generally refer to projects involving the expansion, renovation, or modification of existing facilities, infrastructure, or systems. The classifications of Brownfield projects often include:

12. Project Life Cycle generally does not define which of the following?

  1. Technical work
  2. Deliverables
  3. Control and approval
  4. Training
Answer :- TrainingTraining is generally not explicitly defined by the Project Life Cycle. While training might be an important aspect of a project, it is often considered a separate process or activity that supports the implementation of the project's deliverables or outcomes.

13. Which of the following is the longest phase of a Project life cycle in terms of time?

  1. Concept phase
  2. Implementation phase
  3. Planning phase
  4. Termination phase
Answer :- Implementation phase The Implementation phase is typically the longest phase of a Project Life Cycle in terms of time. This phase involves carrying out the actual work defined in the project plan, creating the project deliverables, and addressing any unexpected issues that might arise during execution.

14. What is the correct sequence of Project Life Cycle phases?

  1. Initiation, Implementation, Planning and Project Clean-up
  2. Initiation, Project Clean-up, Planning and Implementation
  3. Initiation, Project Clean-up, Implementation and Planning
  4. Initiation, Planning, Implementation and Project Clean-up
Answer :- Initiation, Planning, Implementation, and Project Clean-up.

15. Arrange the following elements of the Project Cycle in the right order:

A- Project Appraisal
B- Feasibility Analysis
C- Negotiation
D- Project Selection

  1. A-B-C-D
  2. B-A-C-D
  3. B-A-D-C
  4. A-B-D-C
Answer :- B-A-D-CB-A-D-C: Feasibility Analysis, Project Appraisal, Project Selection, Negotiation.

16. Select the correct statement.

  1. Stakeholder identification should be completed prior to constructing the project charter
  2. Stakeholder identification should be performed at the beginning of each project phase
  3. Where a project begins pursuant to a contract, stakeholder identification is not necessary
  4. Stakeholder identification is a continuous process that should be performed throughout the entire project life cycle
Answer :- Stakeholder identification is a continuous process that should be performed throughout the entire project life cycle.

17. BCG Matrix is used for?

  1. Project appraisal
  2. Project selection
  3. Project controlling
  4. Project budgeting
Answer :- Project Appraisal.BCG Matrix is used for Project Appraisal. The BCG (Boston Consulting Group) Matrix is a strategic tool that helps organizations assess and analyze their product or service portfolio based on two dimensions: market growth rate and market share.

18. Project identification is generally done through ___?

  1. Brainstorming
  2. Questionnaire
  3. Fundamental analysis
  4. Technical analysis
Answer :- Brainstorming. Project identification is generally done through Brainstorming. Brainstorming is a creative and collaborative technique used to generate a wide range of ideas and potential project opportunities. It involves a group of people sharing their thoughts and suggestions in an open and non-judgmental environment. This helps in identifying various project ideas that can be further evaluated for feasibility and alignment with organizational goals.

19. New ventures by fresh entrepreneurs/promotors are _?

  1. Greenfield projects
  2. Brownfield projects
  3. Conglomerate projects
  4. Concentric projects
Answer :- Greenfield projects New ventures by fresh entrepreneurs or promoters are typically Greenfield projects. Greenfield projects refer to projects that involve starting a new business, developing new products, or creating new facilities or infrastructure from scratch.

20. Which of the following is not correct about initial phase of a project?

  1. The cost associated at the beginning of the project is highest
  2. Stakeholders have maximum influence during this phase
  3. The highest uncertainty is at this stage of the project
  4. All the above statements are correct.
Answer :- The cost associated at the beginning of the project is highest

21. Which one of the following is not an MCDM technique?


Answer :-  SMART

22. In order to get a “feel” of the relationship between the product and its market, the project analyst may informally talk to customers, competitors, middlemen, and others in the industry. This is a _______ analysis?

 Demand Analysis
 Situational Analysis
 Customer Analysis
 Product Analysis

Answer :-  Situational Analysis

23. In TOPSIS, how are the alternatives ranked?

 Based on their proximity to the ideal solution and their distance from the negative ideal solution
 Based on their random assignment of ranks
 Based on their alphabetical order
 Based on their initial order in the dataset

Answer :- Based on their proximity to the ideal solution and their distance from the negative ideal solution

24. How normalized score is calculated in TOPSIS method?


Answer :- Rij = xij / √(Σx2ij)

25. Which of the following is not a quantitative forecasting method?

 Trend projection
 Exponential smoothing
 Moving Average

Answer :- Delphi

26. Which of the following is not related to Information sought in market survey?

 Total demand
 Price elasticities
 Purchasing plans
 Production schedule

Answer :- Production schedule

27. Which of the following is not a key step in Market and Demand Analysis?

 Situational analysis
 Market survey
 Resource planning
 Characterization of the market

Answer :- Resource planning

28. Which of the following is not a Causal method?

 Chain ratio method
 Jury execution method
 End use method
 Econometric method

Answer :- Jury execution method

29. Which of the following is not a step in a sample survey?

 Selecting sample size
 Developing questionnaire
 Resource planning

Answer :- Resource planning

30. Which of the following is a limitation of TOPSIS?

 It can only handle binary decision problems
 It assumes all criteria are equally important
 It requires a large amount of computational resources
 It is not suitable for multi-objective optimization

Answer :- It assumes all criteria are equally important

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