1. Communication always needs
(a) At least two persons
(b) At least one object
(c) A context
(d) A location
Answer :- c
2. Consider the two statements:
A: Deep listening helps in unveiling the deep history of a group of speakers representing a community.
B: Combative listening is a great weapon in the business world.
(a) Both A and B are correct
(b) Both A and B are wrong
(c) A is correct, but B is wrong
(d) B is correct, but A is wrong
Answer :- b
3. Smiling is
(a) A social symbolic act
(b) An example of non-verbal communication
(c) A way to mask real emotions
(d) All of the above
Answer :- d
4. Paraphrasing does not include
(a) Filtering out information
(b) Selective listening
(c) Discriminatory listening
(d) Empathetic listening
Answer :- C
5. Consider the following two statements:
A: Unintentional communication is not a very significant component of communication
B: The detective in the Whodunit stories mainly detects the clarity of communication
(a) Both A and B are correct
(b) Both A and B are wrong
(c) A is correct, but B is wrong
(d) B is correct, but A is wrong
Answer :- b
6. Interpersonal communication is strengthened by listening for
(a) Disrespect
(b) Signs of friendliness
(c) Mutual purpose
(d) Personal details shared with you
Answer :- c
7. White lies are
(a) Innocuous
(b) Necessary in social situations
(c) Exonerated
(d) All of the above
Answer :- d
8. Which one is an example of covert communication?
(a) Personal language
(b) Morse code
(c) Sleeping
(d) Dreaming
Answer :- c
9. Emotions spill through etc.
(a) Para-psychological components
(b) Para-behavioral mechanisms
(c) Para-linguistic components
(d) Heuristic impulses such as gestures, eye movement, facial expression,
Answer :- c
10. Not listening to someone while you’re asleep is an example of
(a) Physical barrier
(b) Psychological barrier
(c) Linguistic barrier
(d) None of the above
Answer :- d
11. Which of the following statements are not true?
(a) Power hierarchy is territorially manifested
(b) Various spaces are designated to signify various kinds of power
(c) Spatial markers of power are unquestionable
(d) None of the above
Answer :- c
12. What kind of listening does help in successfully negotiating finer sociocultural nuances?
(a) Critical listening
(b) Therapeutic listening
(c) Discriminative listening
(d) Combative listening
Answer :- b
13. You should seek openings,
(a) physical, conceptual
(b) pauses, breaks
(c) intervene, raise your hand
(d) listen, reflect and _ before speaking in formal groups.
Answer :- a
14. Consider the following cases. In which one will information about the novel be remembered more readily?
(a) Watching a movie based on the novel followed by lectures on it
(b) Attending a lecture on the novel with audio-visual aid
(c) Attending a lecture on the novel with a PowerPoint presentation
(d) Adapting the novel for the stage
Answer :- d
15. In group discussions, as a speaker you should be
(a) empathetic to the other speakers
(b) understanding of the individual perspectives
(c) diplomatic whenever there is a contentious issue
(d) playing designated role
Answer :- d
16. The first step towards effective communication with others is successful communication with yourself.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer :- a
17. A group may be regarded as an organized structure composed of individuals having common purpose, interdependence, and division of labour.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer :- a
18. How much time do we take to assess someone based on non-verbal signs?
(a) 1 second
(b) Fraction of a second
(c) 5-10 seconds
(d) None of the above
Answer :- c
19. From a ________we can have an outline of our presentation
(a) SmartArt
(b) Mind map
(c) Flowchart
(d) Linkage
Answer :- b
20. Consider the following statements:
A: You should know your audience and their interests, attitudes, and expectations from your presentation.
B: Technically, you should match up to your audience’s level of expertise.
(a) Both A and B are correct
(b) A is correct but B is wrong
(c) B is correct but A is wrong
(d) None of the above
Answer :- b
21. Distance between text and image denotes
A. Difference of meaning between the two
B. A sense of discreteness between how they should be looked at
C. An effort to minimize the conveying of a relationship between the two
(a) All A. B and C are true
(b) Only A and B are true
(c) Only A and C are true
(d) None of the above
Answer :- a
22. Concrete poetry
(a) are calligrams with no specific meaning
(b) are poems that are three-dimensional
(c) utilizes the visual impact of the typographical shape of the poem
(d) All of the above
Answer :- c
23. Dividing the audience into zones when addressing a large group is required because you do not want to convey
A. They are left out and thus you do not care if they pay attention or not
B. You’re interested in only certain groups of the audience
C. You dislike any particular person in the audience
(a) All A, B and C are true
(b) Only A and B are true
(c) Only A and C are true
(d) None of the above
Answer :- b
24. Consider the following statements:
A. Introduction, body and conclusion should always be in a sequence for a presentation
B. Text or image ideally should be presented in a particular sequence in a presentation
C. Text and image together make sense in a presentation
(a) Only A and B are correct
(b) Only A and C are correct
(c) Only B and C are correct
(d) All A. B and C are correct
Answer :- c
25. As a presenter, physically leaning heavily on some object for support during a presentation may indicate _____and______.
(a) arrogance, diffidence
(b) arrogance, defiance
(c) incompetence, disregard
(d) casualness, arrogance
Answer :- a
26. Behaviour of the animated text can denote
A. Mechanical actions and ageing
B. Emotion and thrill
C. Slowness and silence
(a) Onlv B is correct
(b) Only A and B are correct
(c) Only A and C are correct
(d) All A. B and C are correct
Answer :- c
27. Which kind of communicators believe that the primary purpose of communication is the maintenance or advancement of the personal relationship?
a) Noble communicators
b) Socratic communicators
c) Reflective communicators
d) None of the above
Answer :- d
28. Which of the following qualities is the strength of Noble communicators?
(a) Assertiveness
(b) Focus
(c) Leadership
(d) All of the above
Answer :- d
29. In Fisher’s model of group progression, at which stage do the group members argue about the possible ways of approaching the problem and begin to find solutions?
(a) Conflicts
(b) Emergence
(c) Orientation
(d) Reinforcement
Answer :- a
30. _____is an important factor which helps a group to function effectively.
(a) Attitude
(b) Good relationship
(c) Personality
(d) Presentation skill
Answer :- b