NPTEL Social Network Analysis Week 1 Assignment Answers 2024

NPTEL Social Network Analysis Week 1 Assignment Answers 2024

NPTEL Social Network Analysis Week 1 Assignment Answers 2024

1. Social network analysis cannot be used in the healthcare domain (e.g., to map susceptible people from infected ones).

  • True
  • False
Answer :- b

2. In an ego-centric network, the central node is called the “alter” and its neighbors are “egos”.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- For Answer Click Here

3. What is the time complexity to check if an edge exists between two vertices i and j using an adjacency matrix?

  • O(1)
  • O(V2)
  • O(V)
  • O(E)
Answer :- 

4. How can you represent an undirected graph using an adjacency matrix?

  • Using diagonal matrix
  • Using upper triangular matrix
  • Using symmetric matrix
  • Using lower triangular matrix
Answer :- For Answer Click Here

5. How many edges are there in an undirected graph with 19 nodes?

  • 169.0
  • 37.0
  • 342.0
  • 171.0
Answer :- 

6. Which of the following best describes an edge in a hypergraph?

  • Always connects exactly two vertices.
  • Can connect any number of vertices, including possibly more than two.
  • Connects vertices in a linear chain.
  • Cannot connect vertices but can connect other edges.
Answer :- 

7. Which of the following is not a type of network analysis?

  • Microscopic
  • Mesoscopic
  • Megascopic
  • Macroscopic
Answer :- For Answer Click Here


What will be the adjacency matrix representation for network G1 in Fig. 1?

Answer :- 

9. What is a characteristic property of many real-world networks in terms of node connectivity?

  • Randomly connectioned
  • Scale-free
  • Uniform degree distribution
  • Fully connected
Answer :- 

10. Which of the following is not a link-centric view of the network?

  • Unipartite
  • Bipartite
  • Signed
  • Ego-network
Answer :- For Answer Click Here