NPTEL Leadership and Team Effectiveness Assignment Answers

1. ____________ occurred when leaders and followers were in some type of exchange relationship to get needs met.

  • Transformational Leadership
  • Transactional Leadership
  • Ethical Leadership
  • Autocratic Leadership
Answer :- a

2. Which of the following concern with one’s own thoughts and feelings?

  • Internality
  • Networking
  • Synergy
  • Recruitment
Answer :- a

3. _________ is an effective way of empowerment.

  • Delegation
  • Decision
  • Determination
  • Dedication
Answer :- a

4. What does Maverick mindset mean?

  • Looking at situation from one perspective
  • Narrow vision
  • Tunnel Vision
  • Looking at situations from different perspective
Answer :- d

5. State true and False Proactive personality identify opportunities, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs, compared to others who passively react to situations.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- a

6. Which of the following correctly represents the OCEAN acronym in the context of personality?

  • Operational Characteristics Evaluation and Analysis Network
  • Oceanic Circulation and Environmental Assessment Nexus
  • Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism
  • Organic Chemistry Elements and Atomic Numbers
Answer :- c

7. The Great Man theory emphasis on which of the following assumption?

  • It considers external environments or situations that often influence human behavior and attitudes.
  • Every great leader is born with traits that prepare them to rise and lead.
  • It considers the contributions of others who drove a leader to success.
  • It’s based on facts and evidence.
Answer :- b

8. Which of the following personality type enjoys working with numbers, records, or machines in a set, orderly way?

  • Realistic
  • Conventional
  • Social
  • Enterprising
Answer :- b

9. Which of the following system describe authority because of their exemplary characteristics?

  • Legal–rational authority system
  • Traditional authority system
  • Charismatic authority system
  • Power-achievement authority system
Answer :- c

10. State true and False Proactive personality identify opportunities, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs, compared to others who passively react to situations.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- a

11. Which of the following is not considered the characteristic of Intelligent Leaders?

  • Are Faster learners
  • Make better assumptions, deductions, and inferences.
  • Don’t have a compelling vision
  • Can develop better solutions to problems
Answer :- c

12. Which of the following intelligence emphasize on street smarts and common sense ability?

  • Practical intelligence
  • Creative intelligence
  • Analytical intelligence
  • Emotional intelligence
Answer :- a

13. Which of the following term refers to feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that lacks a contextual stimulus?

  • Affect
  • Emotions
  • Moods
  • Thinking
Answer :- c

14. State true and False According to Daniel Goleman et al., People are not born with general emotional intelligence that determines their potential for learning emotional competencies.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- b

15. _____________ refers to the potential influence one has due to the strength of the relationship between the leader and the followers.

  • Legitimate Power
  • Expert power
  • Referent Power
  • Reward Power
Answer :- c

16. Which of the following tactic leaders use to appeal people’s values and ideals or seek to arouse their emotions to gain commitment for a request or proposal?

  • Consultation
  • Exchange
  • Rational Persuasion
  • Inspirational Appeals
Answer :- d

17. There is a distinction between leaders and managers that says leaders do the right things whereas managers _________________.

  • Do things wrong
  • Do ambiguous things
  • Control things
  • Do things right
Answer :- d

18. _____________ leadership is the sharing of power and influence, with one person remaining in charge.

  • Moral Leadership
  • Ethical leadership
  • Shared Leadership
  • Inclusive Leadership
Answer :- c

19. State true and false Theory Y managers tend to take a pessimistic view of their people, and assume that they are naturally unmotivated and dislike work.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- b

20. ___________ tactic differ from consultation in that they are used when agents seek the aid or support of others to influence the target.

  • Requesting
  • Coalition
  • Socializing
  • Personal Appeals
Answer :- b

21. Which of the following is not the component of the authentic leadership?

  • Balanced processing
  • Internalized moral perspective
  • Irrational transparency
  • Self-awareness
Answer :- c

22. Which of the following is not the myth about servant leadership?

  • Servant leadership means giving up power to employees
  • A servant leader is abdicating responsibility for success.
  • Servant leaders don’t care about customers or shareholders.
  • Servant leaders empower their people, coach, and train them
Answer :- d

23. Leaders rated highly _ tend to have followers who engage in more organizational citizenship behaviors and who are more willing to bring problems to the leaders’ attention.

  • Impractical
  • Unconscious
  • Ethical
  • Transactional
Answer :- c

24. Which of the following thinking is often characterized as “do what’s best for the greatest number of people”?

  • Ends-based thinking
  • Care-based thinking
  • Conditional thinking
  • Rule-based thinking
Answer :- a

25. State true OR false Personality traits, values, and intelligence can not be directly observed, but they may contribute to effective leadership behaviors.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- a

26. Which of the leadership style emphasize on responsibility also lies at the upper echelons of the organization and however, instead of inducing performance through the threat of punishment, and therefore fear, employees are instead motivated through a reward system?

  • Benevolent authoritative
  • Exploitative authoritative
  • Consultative
  • Autocratic
Answer :- a

27. Which of the following style leader leader gives emphasis on both production and relationship with the people?

  • Team (9-9) Management Style
  • Impoverished Management (Indifferent) (1,1)
  • Middle of the Road (5-5) Management Style
  • Authority-compliance (9-1) Management Style
Answer :- c

28. Which of the following is not the component of Interpersonal skills?

  • An ability to put oneself in the position of another person.
  • An ability to accurately perceive and anticipate other’s expectations.
  • An ability to incorporate information about the other person’s expectations into subsequent behavior.
  • An ability to be self-centered and often want things to be done in own way only.
Answer :- d

29. Assessing your leadership skills is about understanding your _____________.

  • Assets and liabilities
  • Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Friends and enemy
  • Stocks and Wealth
Answer :- b

30. Which of the following factor of leadership behavior model emphasis on giving positive encouragement to team and individual performance?

  • Team Linker
  • Values Champion
  • People Motivator
  • Situational Decision-Maker
Answer :- c

31. __________ refers to the leadership style in which leaders obtain results that are morally or ethically challenged or undermine organizational or community success.

  • Destructive Leadership
  • Moral Leadership
  • Constructive Leadership
  • Ethical Leadership
Answer :- a

32. What is the full form of VUCA?

  • Velocity, Uneasiness, Composition, and Ambiguity
  • Victory, Unattended, Complex, and Ambitious
  • Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguity
  • Vocal, Uncertain, Competition, and Ambience
Answer :- c

33. State true or False Destructive leadership can occur only at top-level in organizations.

  • True
  • False

Answer :- b

34. Which of the following term refers to the failure of individuals who hold executive-level positions within a company?

  • Organization Growth
  • Leadership Effectiveness
  • Management Success
  • Managerial Derailment
Answer :- d

35. Which of the following occurs when taxing situational or follower events permanently disrupt a person’s ability to build teams or get results?

  • Episodic managerial incompetence
  • Chronic managerial incompetence
  • Leadership Competence
  • Managerial Effectiveness
Answer :- b

36. “Culture eats _ for breakfast.”-Peter Drucker

  • Strategy
  • Planning
  • Leadership
  • Motivation
Answer :- a

37. ___________ believe their purpose in life is to point out all the things their bosses and organizations are doing wrong.

  • Self-starters
  • Brown-nosers
  • Slackers
  • Criticizers
Answer :- d

38. Which of the following negotiation style reflects a mirror image of competition—entirely giving in to someone else’s concerns without making any effort to achieve one’s own ends?

  • Avoidance
  • Competition
  • Accommodation
  • Collaboration
Answer :- c

39. Which of the following term define the “What”—that is, the specific outcomes and objectives of the crisis intervention?

  • People
  • Resources
  • Assets
  • Goals
Answer :- d

40. Which of the following term define the “What”—that is, the specific outcomes and objectives of the crisis intervention?

  • People
  • Resources
  • Assets
  • Goals
Answer :- d

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