NPTEL Computer Vision Week 1 Assignment Answers 2024 (July – October)
NPTEL Computer Vision Week 1 Assignment Answers 2024

What is the value after histogram equalization at location (3,2) shown with asterisk mark in the image array.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
Answer :- c
2. Note: Note that the probability of a normal variable P(z > 2.5) = 0.062
X is a normally distributed variable with mean μ = 30 and standard deviation σ = 4. Compute P(X < 40).
a) 0.0238
b) 0.9380
c) 0.1538
d) 0.0918
Answer :- For Answer Click Here
3. Consider two images each of size 16×16, namely I1 and I2. Image I1 has 192 and 64 pixels for foreground and background, respectively. Image I2 has 64 and 192 pixels for foreground and background, respectively. One pixel is selected at random from one of the two images, and it is found to be a background pixel. Find the probability that it was drawn from image I1?
a) 1/4
b) 2/5
c) 12/7
d) 5/7
Answer :-
4. An image taken using a camera can be enhanced by different techniques. Suppose, a software is developed which can detect if an image has been enhanced or not with 96% accuracy. A survey is done, and it is found that 75% of all images are enhanced. If the software predicts that an image is enhanced, what is the probability that the image is actually enhanced?
a) 0.9663
b) 0.9930
c) 0.9863
d) 0.5940
Answer :- For Answer Click Here
5. A continuous time signal is given by x(t)=e−2tu(t), its fourier transform X(jω) is given by
a) 1/(2 + jω)
b) 1/(3 + jω)
c) 1/(1 + jω)
d) 1/(4 + jω)
Answer :-
6. Consider a binary image with a small fully filled white circle on a black background. How does this image look like after applying image gradient operation?
a) Same as the original image
b) A thin line surrounding the boundary of that fully filled white circle
c) A thin line surrounding the boundary of whole image
d) An image with a white dot at the center
Answer :- For Answer Click Here

What is the value when vertical Snobel operator and horizontal Snobel operator are applied on the orange colored pixel?
a) 0 and 2
b) 7 and 3
c) 10 and 2
d) 2 and 10
Answer :-
8. Consider the Direct Linear Transform (DLT) algorithm for a point correspondence x′i ↔ xi which involves the following equation using homogeneous coordinate representation of points x′i and xi in the transformed and original 2-D projective space where H is a projective transformation.
x′ ∼ Hx
Choose the correct option from the following:
a) Vectors x′ and Hx may have similar magnitude but different direction.
b) Vectors x′ and Hx may not be equal. They have similar direction but different magnitude.
c) Vectors x′ and Hx may be equal. They have similar direction and magnitude.
d) Cross product of x′ and Hx is a zero vector.
Answer :- For Answer Click Here
9. Consider a 3-bit grey scale image with dimension 32 × 32. What will be the range of values in its X-axis?
a) 0 to 7
b) 1 to 7
c) 0 to 15
d) 0 to 255
Answer :-

What is the value when vertical Prewitt operator and horizontal Prewitt operator are applied
on the orange colored pixel?
a) 0 and 2
b) −4 and −2
c) 4 and −2
d) −4 and 2
Answer :- For Answer Click Here