NPTEL Advanced Computer Architecture Assignment Answers

1. What is the main advantage of using a TLB?

  • Increases program size
  • Reduces memory fragmentation
  • Speeds up address translation
  • Simplifies memory management
Answer :- c

2. What is the minimum number of transistors required to build a functional SRAM cell?

  • 2
  • 4
  • 6
  • 8
Answer :- c

3. Choose the incorrect statement.

  • MSHR is a hardware structure.
  • MSHRs are essential for non-blocking caches.
  • MSHR keeps record of all accesses to a missed cache block.
  • MSHR has a single miss queue for all cache blocks
Answer :- d

4. Consider the following statements.

S1: Way prediction is an optimization technique for direct-mapped caches..
S2: Implementing replacement policies is simpler for skew-associative caches compared to set-associative caches..

  • Only S1 is true.
  • Only S2 is true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are false.
Answer :- d

5. A VIPT cache requires an overlap of the ___________with the page offset.

  • Page offset
  • Set index
  • Page index
  • Tag field
Answer :- b

6. In a multi-banked cache, each MAT is composed of multiple________

  • Banks
  • Sub-banks
  • Arrays
  • Sub-arrays
Answer :- b

7. Loop tiling enhances the performance by ____________

  • Reordering the loop iterations.
  • Increasing the data locality within the loop body.
  • Utilizing physical registers efficiently.
  • Reducing loops in a program.
Answer :- b

8. Consider the following statements.

S1: Pipelined caches provide reduced access latency per memory access request compared to non-pipelined caches.
S2: Cacti is a tool used for modeling and simulating caches.

  • Only S1 is true.
  • Only S2 is true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are false.
Answer :- b

9. In comparison to set-associative caches, what is the main advantage of a skew-associative cache?

  • Simpler replacement policy
  • Low area overhead
  • Reduction in conflict misses
  • Reduction in capacity misses
Answer :- c

10. Consider the following statements.

S1: Content-Addressable Memory (CAM) consumes more power than Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) due to parallel searches.
S2: CAM is preferred over SRAM for implementing structures with a large number of entries.

  • Only S1 is true.
  • Only S2 is true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are false.
Answer :- a

11. A trace is a sequence of _______ fetched from the ____.

  • Basic blocks, i-cache
  • Data blocks, d-cache
  • Cache blocks, LLC
  • DRAM rows, main memory
Answer :- a

12. Consider the following statements regarding a trace cache.

S1: The Fill buffer locally constructs the trace segment.
S2: Trace segments are stored in consecutive sets.

  • Only S1 is true.
  • Only S2 is true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are false.
Answer :- c

13. Consider a case where i-cache misses have high repeatability and there is high correlation between consecutive misses (e.g., miss sequence A B … A B … A B … A B …). Which type of prefetcher leverages these types of patterns?

  • Next line prefetcher
  • Markov prefetcher
  • Next block prefetcher
  • Call graph prefetcher
Answer :- b

14. Which of the following prefetchers predict and prefetch the function that may be called next?

  • Next line prefetcher
  • Markov prefetcher
  • Next block prefetcher
  • Call graph prefetcher
Answer :- d

15. Consider the following statements.

S1: Shared memory is easier to program than message passing.
S2: Shared memory is less scalable compared to message passing.

  • Only S1 is true.
  • Only S2 is true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are false.
Answer :- c

16. Which of the following highlights the fact that the potential speedup is limited by the portion of the computation that cannot be parallelized?

  • Amdahl’s law
  • Moore’s law
  • Dennard scaling
  • Murphy’s law
Answer :- a

17. Which category in the Flynn’s classification allows multiple processors to work independently on different tasks?

  • SISD
  • SIMD
  • MISD
  • MIMD

Answer :- d

18. ___________dynamically splits issue slots between threads (even in the same cycle).

  • Hyperthreading
  • SMT
  • Coarse-grained multithreading
  • Fine-grained multithreading

Answer :- b

19. Hyperthreading is SMT with _______________ partitioning.

  • Static
  • Dynamic
  • Predictive
  • Adaptive
Answer :- a

20. Which of the following suffers from the highest runtime thread scheduling overhead?

  • SMT
  • Hyperthreading
  • Coarse-grained multithreading
  • Fine-grained multithreading
Answer :- a

21. When a write operation is observed by all threads, it is referred to as ________.

  • Write serialization
  • Write propagation
  • Write validation
  • Write localization
Answer :- b

22. Consider the following statements.

S1: If a set of instructions is in SC, it will also be in PLSC.
S2: A set of instructions containing non-atomic writes cannot comply with PLSC.

  • Only S1 is true.
  • Only S2 is true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are false.
Answer :- a

23. Which of the following statements is NOT correct ?

  • The fence instruction is an example of a memory barrier.
  • No instruction following the acquire instruction in program order can execute until it has been completed.
  • The release instruction can only be completed if all the instructions before it have been fully completed.
  • The store barrier is used to block both load and store operations.
Answer :- d

24. Consider the following statements.

S1: All instructions after the “fence” instruction cannot be executed until the “fence” instruction itself has been completed.
S2: The “fence” instruction cannot be executed until all preceding instructions have been completed.

  • Only S1 is true.
  • Only S2 is true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are false.
Answer :- c

25. Which of the following are the key features of sequential consistency?

C1: Atomicity of writes
C2: Atomicity of reads
C3: Preservation of program order

  • C3
  • C2 and C3
  • C1 and C3
  • C1, C2 and C3
Answer :- c

26. Which of the following program order (po) edges are always global irrespective of the memory model?

  • poRW , poRR
  • poRR , poWR
  • poWW , poWR
  • poIS , poSI
Answer :- d

27. Which of the following are two kinds of rf (read-from) edges?

  • rfe, rfi
  • rfe, rfo
  • rfi, rfo
  • rfo, rfw
Answer :- a

28. Which rf edge involves read and write operations from the same thread?

  • rfe
  • rfi
  • rfo
  • rfw
Answer :- b

29. Write Serialization (ws) and from-read (fr) edges are, respectively:

  • Global, global
  • Local, local
  • Local, global
  • Global, local
Answer :- a

30. Consider the following statements.

S1: If every access graph is cyclic, then PLSC is upheld across all memory locations.
S2: An acyclic causal graph ensures the absence of thin air reads.

  • Only S1 is true.
  • Only S2 is true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are false.
Answer :- c

31. Cache coherence protocols that use buses are known as ___________ protocols.

  • Directory
  • Snoopy
  • Write-Through
  • Write-Allocate
Answer :- b

32. Consider the following statements.

S1: Snoopy protocols are easy to design but hard to scale.
S2: All the messages are essentially broadcast messages in a snoopy protocol.

  • Only S1 is true.
  • Only S2 is true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are false.
Answer :- c

33. Which of the following is not a type of message that the directory receives in a directory protocol?

  • RdX
  • WrX
  • Evict
  • Share
Answer :- d

34. Which of the following is false regarding the directory protocol?

  • The directory itself can be a point of contention
  • Directory protocol requires the broadcasting of all the messages.
  • We need an entry for each block of a program’s working set.
  • In each directory entry, we need an entry for each constituent cache.
Answer :- d

35. Consider the following statements.

S1: A distributed directory solves the issue of a single point of contention in the directory protocol.
S2: In uniprocessor systems, false sharing can cause inefficiency.

  • Only S1 is true.
  • Only S2 is true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are false.
Answer :- c

36. A/an ______________ algorithm ensures no starvation.

  • Altruistic
  • Lock-free
  • Test and set
  • Compare and set
Answer :- a

37. PLSC requires the __________ and ___________ orders to be global.

  • rf, po
  • fr, po
  • ws, fr
  • ws, rf
Answer :- a

38. Two accesses are said to be concurrent when there is no path between them in the execution witness that contains a/an _________ edge.

  • so
  • po
  • ws
  • rf
Answer :- d

39. Consider the following statements.

S1: SC implies data-race freedom.
S2: PLSC implies data-race freedom.

  • Only S1 is true.
  • Only S2 is true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are true.
  • Both S1 and S2 are false.
Answer :- a

40. The consensus number is the _ number of threads that can solve the problem using a _________algorithm.

  • Maximum, wait-free
  • Minimum, wait-free
  • Minimum, lock-free
  • Maximum, lock-free
Answer :- b

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